Empowering Parents
Influencing Change
Grants For Families With Disabled Children
It costs up to three times more to raise a severely disabled child than it does to raise a child without disabilities. For many families, the coronavirus pandemic has increased the financial strain. Here are some charities and trusts that may be able to help.
PIP Assessment
PIP Assessment
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit that replaces Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for people between 16 years and state pension age.Coming soon
Protect your pension with Carer’s Credit
Did you know that you will only get the full basic state pension if you have paid a certain amount of national insurance contributions? If you are not working or have a very low income because you are caring for someone, you could be losing out – unless you are claiming Carer’s Credit.
Benefits Of Works
Benefits and Work provides information for preparing Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Disability Living Allowance (DLA)